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Mes spotlight et spotlight color/


Mes photos ne sont pas libres de droit

Martine Girard from Brest, France

C'est un endroit pas très engageant.

30 May 2020 5:08am

Steed from D, France

Drole d'Endroit pour une Rencontre ............J'Adore ces friches industrielles ...Bien vu,Martine .

30 May 2020 6:37am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Well captured special atmosphere of abandoned industry.

30 May 2020 6:39am

Marcel dit obélix from Belgium

Tristesse de l'abandon
Gros bisous

30 May 2020 8:07am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bien ces tags

30 May 2020 8:30am

Siepi from Zemst, Belgium

When derilict building meets the spray can. Nice capturing of the atmosphere.

30 May 2020 11:31am

Paleblue Photography from St. Catharines, Canada

Great pop of color in this industrial scene

30 May 2020 12:07pm

Devi from Chennai, India

Rather sad to see!!

30 May 2020 3:25pm

Annierita & Annisabelle from New Delhi & Belle Ile, India

Belle friche industrielle. Annierita

30 May 2020 4:04pm

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

It looks like the painters have been busy. Interesting place.

30 May 2020 7:07pm

Darkelf Photography from Perth, Australia

Fantastic textures and detail.

31 May 2020 5:58am

Jean-Luc.M from Nancy et ailleurs, France

Belle capture Urbex avec ce graph très coloré !

1 Jun 2020 4:35pm

Remus from Portugal

Good use of light and color in this image.

2 Jun 2020 3:28pm