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Posted by
Libouton Martine (Bousval, Belgium) on 28 May 2020 in Cityscape & Urban and Portfolio.

Liège guillemins

Mes spotlight et spotlight color/


Mes photos ne sont pas libres de droit

Steed from D, France

Tiens,ma montre avance ....Merci de la précision Suisse (Oh,pardon ....),Martine .....Belle Image,et Bonne Journée à Toi .

28 May 2020 5:06am

Martine Girard from Brest, France

Jolie architecture.

28 May 2020 5:10am

Anna Cherer from LA ROCHELLE, France

Toujour un excellent graphisme et cadrage de ta part !

28 May 2020 6:27am

jean pierre from Paris, France

excellent noir et blanc!! amts

28 May 2020 7:11am

Marcel dit obélix from Belgium

on ne se lasse pas de la photographier
Gros bisous

28 May 2020 7:11am

Le Krop from Charenton-le-Pont, France


28 May 2020 7:27am

jpla from Anjou, France

.. et il attend toujours en faisant les cents pas

28 May 2020 7:44am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

This looks monumental. Very impressive image!

28 May 2020 8:24am

Yves from Allier, France

Toujours une belle composition bien calculé.

28 May 2020 9:16am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Nice graphic frame!

28 May 2020 11:23am

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Splendid graphics and leading lines.

28 May 2020 11:35am

Maryse from bordeaux, France

Super graphisme au cadrage parfait un petit bijou encore une fois ! 5*
Bonne journée Martine

28 May 2020 1:31pm

Devi from Chennai, India

Lovely lines and framing !

28 May 2020 3:31pm

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bien ces bandes

28 May 2020 5:20pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

another great find of angles and shapes

29 May 2020 12:12am

Darkelf Photography from Perth, Australia

You have a great eye for urban composition (amongst others) and this is another fine example of that. Superb work.

29 May 2020 5:59am

jeanmadis from CHONBURI, Thailand

Wouah... on se croirait sur une autre planète !

29 May 2020 8:00am

Remus from Portugal

At this time, if it's not a weekend, I'm working.
Very beautiful capture of this lonely person.

29 May 2020 2:03pm

Olivier P from Tlse, France

Graphique et esthétique... BINGO ! Bien joué !

30 May 2020 8:28am

Annierita & Annisabelle from New Delhi & Belle Ile, India

Toujours cette gare de Liège et une très belle compo. Annierita

30 May 2020 4:06pm

JACQUES from La Rochelle, France

Bien trouvé le titre, et que de lignes de fuite.

10 Jun 2020 10:19am