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Gootchai et le lanceur de balles !

Posted by
Libouton Martine (Bousval, Belgium) on 15 May 2019 in Animal & Insect and Portfolio.

Mer du Nord A voir le lanceur de balle dans son oeil !!

Mes spotlight et spotlight color/


Mes photos ne sont pas libres de droit

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Your friend is ready to play

15 May 2019 5:03am

Gérard Flayol from Allauch, France

Bien vu !!!!

15 May 2019 5:09am

kerrfoa from Rennes, France

Un portrait très bien réalisé *****

15 May 2019 5:35am

Pascale MD from Occitanie, France

Oh mais je le connais celui là !
Justement je me disais que cela faisait longtemps qu'on avait pas vu sa jolie bouille.
Toujours aussi beau.
Bises et bonne journée Martine

15 May 2019 5:37am

Anna Cherer from LA ROCHELLE, France

Elle ne le quitte pas des yeux ! beau portrait !

15 May 2019 6:08am

Abby from Italy

Ohh! Meraviglioso cane e meraviglioso scatto, con quel blu della pallina...

15 May 2019 6:28am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Wonderful dogs catch!

15 May 2019 6:38am

Dreams come true from Utrecht, Netherlands

Beautiful portrait.
The dog is concentrated.

15 May 2019 7:31am

Martine from Brest, France

Magnifique portrait, j'adore !

15 May 2019 7:36am

Aubélia from Kortrijk, Belgium


15 May 2019 7:56am

Marcel dit obelix from Liège, Belgium

Toujours aussi belle Martine
Gros bisous

15 May 2019 8:01am

Marjolein from Enkhuizen, Netherlands

Great, what a beautiful portrait of this cute dog!

15 May 2019 8:35am

Yves from Allier, France

Le jeu de la ba-balle, je connais bien, on se fatigue avant eux !

15 May 2019 9:25am

Devi from Chennai, India

that is a very colourful ball !!! Nice portrait !

15 May 2019 9:29am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

Yeah, I found the thrower !

15 May 2019 9:32am

fateme@@ from Dezful, Iran

Beautiful eye...

15 May 2019 10:00am

kiwisa from North Shore, New Zealand

Oh my goodness, those eyes are absolutely beautiful.

15 May 2019 10:27am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France


15 May 2019 10:35am

Anne from France

quel regard!

15 May 2019 10:56am

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Great profile capture of Gootchai who looks anxious for the next ball throw!

15 May 2019 11:07am

Mvdfotokraam from Netherlands

Oh, what cute
Lovely with the blue ball

15 May 2019 12:00pm

Nicou from Sion, Switzerland

Quel reflet dans l'œil etportait de chien avec sa baballe superbe image.

15 May 2019 12:23pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

My heart is full of love for this beautiful portrait and friend.

15 May 2019 12:34pm

marc from Recensait, Belgium

magnifique portrait de cette superbe chienne !!!
Quel piqué, quelle netté !!! bravo !!!
superbe photo !!!

15 May 2019 2:49pm

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Magnifique portrait !

15 May 2019 4:47pm

Dutchess from Lakeside Village, Netherlands

Perfect focus and exposure!! Blue is exactly the right color for this ball in the dog's mouth ...

15 May 2019 6:33pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

Beautiful portrait, even see the photographer in the dog's eye.

15 May 2019 6:37pm

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Excellent. Beau portrait.

15 May 2019 7:40pm

yo from Ile de France, France

Le lanceur n'est pas très gros mais Gootchai est aux aguets !

15 May 2019 8:17pm

Nath from France

Il est magnifique, ton portrait est superbe. Il est attentif et observe bien son lanceur :)
Bises Martine

15 May 2019 8:47pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

Lovely portrait of this happy dog. Neat self-portrait, too.

16 May 2019 12:40am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

A magnificent portrait of this beautiful dog. I love the image of the person in his eye! A fantastic image! 5*

16 May 2019 1:46am

yoshimiparis from France

belle expression ce chien

16 May 2019 5:50am

sherri from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

awh, how precious

(years ago we had a dog that looked so much like this one)

16 May 2019 1:58pm

Remus from Portugal

A beautiful portrait with superb focus and detail.

17 May 2019 4:08pm

JACQUES from La Rochelle, France

Le reflet du maître dans l'oeil du toutou, c'est top.

18 May 2019 2:07pm