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Dentelles naturelles!

Posted by
Libouton Martine (Bousval, Belgium) on 21 May 2016 in Plant & Nature and Portfolio.

Mes spotlight et spotlight color/


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Martine from France

Très bel effet.

21 May 2016 5:08am

kiwisa from North Shore, New Zealand

Oh yes, natural lace. I see it. It is lovely.

21 May 2016 5:11am

nature sereine Cathie from France

Très belle prise Martine beau samedi à toi

21 May 2016 5:39am

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Beaux détails. )

21 May 2016 5:56am

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

You said it. It is beautiful.

21 May 2016 6:07am

Gérard from Marseille, France

Belle dentelle photogénique mais certainement pas digeste !!!

21 May 2016 6:14am

jpla from St Barthélémy d, France

J'aime beaucoup

21 May 2016 6:31am

Anna Cherer from LA ROCHELLE, France

Très beaux détails dans une belle pdc et lumière !

21 May 2016 6:50am

mo.langel from Courtelary, Switzerland

Très beau cadrage serré, superbes détails et PDC!

21 May 2016 7:00am

Nelida De La Fuente from Tres Arroyos, Argentina

Espléndida vista, con lindos colores e iluminación. ***** Feliz domingo.

21 May 2016 8:06am

Focales from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France

Très belle pdc, j'apprécie

21 May 2016 8:26am

Yves from Allier, France

Tout simplement magnifique, j'adore !

21 May 2016 8:41am

Georges Michel from Bruxelles, Belgium

ca se mange???

21 May 2016 11:18am

Devi from Chennai, India

Beautiful..and looks like a crunchy biscuit !!!!

21 May 2016 12:32pm

Denny Jump Photo from Easton, PA, United States

Bon Appetite!!

21 May 2016 1:55pm

jean pierre a from France

jolie prise! amitiés

21 May 2016 2:41pm

ceteceva from France

Jolis découpages !

21 May 2016 3:29pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

Nice details and use of focus.

21 May 2016 4:35pm

Dany Hèm-Kervran from Morillon, France

Joli gros plan, et un titre qui colle au sujet !

21 May 2016 5:15pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

A beautiful shot of this lacy mushroom.

21 May 2016 5:39pm

ruthiebear from Titusville, United States

I love the delicate shapes of this mushroom. A stunning macro

21 May 2016 5:43pm

Pascale DELALANDRE from France

Très belle macro Martine.
J'aime ton cadrage sur cette jolie dentelle de Dame nature.
Bisous et bonne soirée

21 May 2016 6:26pm

Gilles from Entre IdF et Cantal, France

très belles dentelles !

21 May 2016 6:35pm

Ellebelle from Mosquito Town, Netherlands

Great focus and details!! This mushroom could use a visit to the dentist though ..........

21 May 2016 6:47pm

Shiva from Berwick, Canada

I am confused !!!!
"Dentelles", I figured are Laces ........
Lace is a delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern,[1] made by machine or by hand.
Originally linen, silk, gold, or silver threads were used. Now lace is often made with cotton thread, although linen and silk threads are still available. Manufactured lace may be made of synthetic fiber. A few modern artists make lace with a fine copper or silver wire instead of thread."
I guess Martine, I need some guidance !!!!!
Kindest regards and a nice weekend Monika

21 May 2016 7:52pm

Adela Fonts from BarcelonaGreat shot!, Spain

Excellentes textures et reliefs dans le profil du champignon. Martine Une image merveilleuse! Gros bisousss...

21 May 2016 8:07pm

Marcel dit Obélix from Liége, Belgium

Super, Martine
gros bisous

21 May 2016 9:11pm

Harmonia from Bondues, France

Magnifique ++++++

21 May 2016 9:34pm

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

Amazing nature shot.

22 May 2016 1:29am

Nicou from Sion, Switzerland

Quel rendu sur ce lamelles quel champignon et vue dans les herbes superbe.

22 May 2016 1:57am

Lena from San Francisco, United States

Nice textures, awesome !

22 May 2016 4:12am

Monik from PARIS, France

La pdc et la lumière sont extra!

23 May 2016 8:46am

k@ from Paris, France

Un choix d'approche original et délicieux !

23 May 2016 6:03pm

Nath from France

Ce vert est magnifique, très jolie photo.

24 May 2016 9:29am